Time at Norwich University is booked for BYSA Lacrosse's 2025 Shapiro Winter Clinic. The clinic will start on Sunday, February 9th, 2025. The clinics are scheduled for 10:00 to 11:30 every Sunday morning through March 16th. Any player with a valid USA Lacrosse membership, grades 2 through 12, can participate. The price point has remained unchanged since its inception, $30 per player. Players can be registered here.
Speaking of Shapiro, the details have been researched, and BYSA, along with USA Lacrosse, may have additional liability insurance in place so we can allow players to bring friends without memberships to one of two of the clinic dates. These have yet to be finalized, and we will provide updates about this opportunity.
Did you play Lacrosse? Have you previously coached Lacrosse? Please spread the word that we are seeking volunteers to join our coaching staff. BYSA Lacrosse will provide reimbursement at the end of the 2025 season for candidates who complete USA Lacrosse Bronze Level certification and complete the season on the sidelines. Please get in touch with us at lacrosse@barreyouthsports.com if you would like more information.
Lastly, the regular season registration should be available before the conclusion of January. There will be a new player behavior contract for 2025. We will provide more details as the regular season approaches.
Thank You-
BYSA Lacrosse Board of Directors
Sign up for wrestling!
Barre Youth Sports Association (BYSA) is a private, not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing youth with the opportunity to participate in recreational and competitive team sports. Started in 1972, BYSA is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to the betterment of our communities through youth participation in sports.
Non-Barre residents: If your town offers a sports programs, we encourage you to participate in theirs. If not, you are welcome to participate in ours.